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Domain TLDs
Joel Virolainen avatar
Written by Joel Virolainen
Updated over a week ago

There are currently hundreds of different domain extensions available, and their number is growing. The most common extension worldwide is .com (commercial). Other commonly used international extensions include .net, .org, and .info. National extensions include, for example, .fi (Finland), .se (Sweden), and .de (Germany). The European Union has its own extension, .eu. Nowadays, even private organizations can apply to manage their own domain extension. This has led to the introduction of hundreds of new domain extensions, such as .live, .store, .finance, .pizza, .games, and many more. The pricing for these specialized extensions varies widely, ranging from a few tens of euros per year to several thousand euros per year, and the registration fees for premium words can be even higher.

For businesses, we recommend registering at least the .fi, .com, .net, and .eu extensions (if they are still available). If your business operates in multiple countries, it is advisable to register the extensions of those countries as well. There are several companies worldwide that monitor domain registrations, including .fi domains, and then register the corresponding name with the .com extension in the hopes of selling it if it has not been registered.

International extensions are generally open to registration by anyone. However, national extensions may have country-specific restrictions. The .fi extension in Finland, for example, was previously only available for registration by Finnish companies, associations, or individuals. However, due to a legislative change that came into effect on September 5, 2016, foreign entities can now register .fi domains as well. This has increased the demand for .fi domains, and many English-language general words are registered by foreign entities. Our customer service can provide further information if needed.

Domain registrations must not infringe on the protected name of another entity (such as a business name or trademark). In Finland, the Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (Viestintävirasto) can intervene in cases of unlawfully registered domain names. For matters concerning international domains, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the competent authority.

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