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Pages and folders

This guide will show how you can add new pages and folders in Nettisivukone.

Anne Pynttäri avatar
Written by Anne Pynttäri
Updated over a week ago

Adding a Page

1. Open the "Pages and Folders" menu.

2. Click the "+" button.

3. Enter the title of the new page in the "Page Title" field.

4. Finally, click the yellow "Done" button.

Adding a Folder

1. Open the "Pages and Folders" menu.

2. Click the "+" button.

3. Select "New Folder."

4. Enter the title of the new folder in the "Folder Title" field. You can also choose to protect the folder and its pages with a username and password if desired.

5. Finally, click "Done".

Adding a Page to a Folder

1. Open the "Pages and Folders" menu.

2. Click the "+" button.

3. Enter the title of the new page in the "Page Title" field.

4. Select the appropriate target folder from the "Location" field.

5. Finally, click "Done".

Hiding a Page

1. Open the "Pages and Folders" menu.

2. Select the page you want to hide and click the additional options menu (represented by ⋮).

3. Select "Edit Page Settings" from the dropdown menu.

4. Toggle the "Hidden from Navigation" option to on, so the selected page will be hidden.

5. Finally, click "Done".

Rearranging Pages and Folders

1. Open the "Pages and Folders" menu.

2. Select the page you want to rearrange and move it by clicking and dragging it from the button on the left side of its name.

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